Member-only story
Stop Pretending You Want To Retire
You don’t. You just hate working 9–5 for some dipshit.
One of my biggest pet peeves in life is misrepresentation. It pisses me off. Considering I’m on the internet 24/7 like everyone else (gotta check X, bro, or I’ll die), that of course means I’m pissed off all the time.
I’m not alone. I had a pastor years ago back when I went to church regularly who would rage against scam charity drives that offer a “free product WITH a donation.” Oh God did that burn him bad. “It’s not free if you have to make a donation!” He went off more on that than he ever did the gays, backsliding, or any End Times rapture stuff.
(I went to a lot of Southern Baptist hellfire and damnation churches growing up; no, I’ll never recover my lost sanity.)
But I did happen to agree with him. About the misrepresenting charity drives. Not much of anything else.
I see it all the time in these “retire early” YouTube niches. Gurus all over the place claim to be retired, or encourage you to retire as soon as possible.
“You’re wasting you life, bro. Retire now, bro, and live with me in (fill in the blank shitty tropical developing country) right now, bro.”
And I don’t totally disagree with them. If you can feasibly and legitimately…