Physical and lifestyle inconveniences or struggles do not justify murdering the unborn. It's really that simple. There are many men who've had to work out of state, take awful jobs, and risk injury to themselves to provide for their families. Doesn't justify murdering the unborn because life would be "easier" then.
Yeah, it's unfortunate there are rules in life and sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. It's not always fun to have to make a living, pay rent, pay taxes, or put up with other people. I get it. Who wants to make sacrifices or do the right thing? And having strangers tell us what to do? Just terrible. We can't have that happen. Oh, wait, it already does all the time. It's called Congress. I don't know a single person there, yet they make laws that govern my life. I don't know a single executive running my company, yet they decide policy and procedure that I follow.
But to be serious, you're really making an argument about abusing power. I agree with you there. Which is why I'm so pro-life. I cannot think of a worse abuse of power than taking the life of an unborn child, a human being, just because someone's afraid their hips won't be as shapely, or because that human life will be a nuisance. I mean, that is the cheapest, most inhuman form of justification for murder I've ever heard. Yet pro-abortionionists casually advocate that reasoning like it's some slam dunk of a rationale. Barbaric.