Lowering the Drunk Driving Limit to 0.05 Percent is Unreasonable and Insane

It should be 0.00 percent. Anyone who disagrees is a potential homocidal maniac whose driver’s license should be permanently revoked.

Dean Brooks
7 min readMar 20, 2024
Your average drunk driver. Made with Midjourney by the author.

According to Newsweek, the Hawaii state senate has just passed a bill that would lower the legal blood alcohol limit from 0.08 percent to 0.05 percent. The bill now moves to the state’s lower house for consideration.

Meanwhile, there’s a similar bill in committee in Washington State. Utah lowered the limit back in 2018, and remains the only state having done so. If the Hawaii and Washington bills pass, it could become a trend that spreads to other states.

To which I have to ask: Won’t someone please think of the poor drunk drivers?

Have Hawaii, Washington, and especially Utah no compassion? What are their state troopers called, the No Fun Police?

Do we need to hold a telethon for our inebriated driving brethren?

“For less than the price of one pint of Guinness, you can help these poor souls get intoxicated and behind the wheel of a giant automobile.”



Dean Brooks

Novelist. I also enjoy writing about topics like business, investing, culture, and technology.