Judging by some of the nasty, demonic, and predictable responses from feminists and leftists on here, I'm looking forward even more now to seeing Roe v Wade overturned.
But you're right. It doesn't go far enough. We need to culturally establish the idea of life at conception, so that the very idea of abortion becomes abhorrent in the very fabric of our society. Like Nazism, for example.
For far too long, the left has been allowed to propagate the myth of abortion as a function of "women's rights." A ridiculous notion when you consider that half the fetuses that are terminated are female.
The reality is that we don't live in the Middle Ages anymore, and pregnancy is rarely a life-threatening situation for women in developed countries. There are stats that show the vast majority of abortions are elective. A life is ended because it's deemed an inconvience or an obstacle to career ambitions. Women love to tout abortion as some thumb in the eye to patriarchy, while they slave their youth away for some corporation (which is usually run by and owned by men).
Life has been cheapened under the tyranny of Abortion Culture. But here's something else: Most abortions are elective, yes, but that doesn't tell the whole story. It's not always just due to the woman wanting to end the pregnancy. Usually it's because the d-bag boyfriend/husband doesn't want the responsibility of offspring and so he pushes her to terminate the pregnancy. I don't believe for one moment that the majority of women who have had abortions wanted them, but were pressured into having them. Abortion is less a "women's right" than it is a mechanism for women to enact the will of scumbag men who don't want to be fathers and take responsbility for their own actions.
Hopefully, SCOTUS won't be bullied by the leftist riots and thuggery, and will stick to overturning Roe v. Wade, as indidcated in those illegally released internal dcouments. Our culture will be better for it. Most importantly, millions of lives will be saved.