Member-only story
“I’ve Been in Therapy Since I Was Six”
The sad trend of becoming a weepy widget in the feelings factories of Big Therapy, Inc.
Lately, YouTube has become stricter with accounts that use Adblock, preventing some videos from being played, or even slowing down performance. This happens sometimes even after you’ve disabled Adblock for a video and refreshed the screen, as for some reason Adblock will still default back to its ON setting.
It’s maddening, frustrating, and makes watching YouTube a painful process, as you’re forced to constantly reload videos. It’s a human rights violation as far as I’m concerned. Now I may end up having to subscribe to YouTube Premium, which is likely the ulterior intent of all this technical trip wiring.
In the meanwhile, I’m getting smacked around by tons of ads, including one for a therapy company called BetterHelp that really stuck out to me. It shows a young woman doing an amateur vlog-style video where she starts off saying, “I’ve been in therapy since I was six.”
I found this shocking and ridiculous. Why the hell would someone need to be in therapy at that young an age? I can barely remember when I was six. The only things I needed in life then were cartoons, frozen push-pops, my stuffed animals, hanging out with my friends and girlfriend (yes, I…